Friday, March 20, 2009

On "Eraserhead" and "A Lustful Man"

It was an interesting experience- last week, I watched David Lynch's "Eraserhead" and Masumura Yasuzo's "A Lustful Man".

In his feature debut, Lynch has already shown some of his universal themes and signature motifs that recur in his later films - e.g. ambient noise, severed human organs, social outcasts, dysfunctional and perverse family relationship. The one universal theme that interest me most in Eraserhead and, for that matter, all other Lynch's films is women.

That too is the central theme of A Lustful Man. Despite the film title and the protagonist's attitude towards women, Masumura was actually expressing outrage toward how women are ill-treated in ancient and indeed present-day Japanese society.

To have watched two totally different films back-to-back at random and both evolve around the same theme but yet the approaches are completely different- misogynist in the former and philogynist in the latter, is indeed the joy of watching and reading films.

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